Den meeting plans are developed around a Scouting program year that is presumed to begin in early September and continue through May, at which time Cub Scouts would become involved in summertime Scouting activities. Two types of den meeting plans are offered for the den leader’s use: - Numbered plans: Programming for the program/school year (September through May), including rank advancement requirements for dens meeting twice a month
- Lettered or supplemental plans: Additional programming for dens meeting year-round or more than twice per month
The den meeting plans for each rank are designed to be conducted in sequential order. Certain activities are partially completed in one meeting and finished in another. Other activities or skills are natural prerequisites for things that come later in the den’s year. Local conditions (weather, events, etc.) or your den’s schedule may make altering the order of the den meetings attractive. As a den leader, you may change the order solong as you make sure the change does not jeopardize the boys’ opportunity to earn their rank in the allotted time or disrupt the logical order of the activities and achievements.When there is any doubt, the planned order should be used. Discuss with your Cubmaster any changes, as they may also affect pack activities. Download Wolf Cub Scout Den Meeting Planning Worksheet Download the Wolf Letter Template 1 | Bobcat and Your Flag | Do: Achievement 2b or 2f, Bobcat (partial), Electives 9b, 12e HA*: Achievement 8b–e, How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse | PDF | 2 | Your Flag and Feats of Skill | Do: Achievements 2a and 1a–f | PDF | 3 | Your Flag, and Sports Electives | Do: Achievement 2c, 2d, 2e, 2g; Elective 20h, i, j (one of k, l, or m), Bowling belt loop HA: Achievement 3a | PDF | 4 | Keep Your Body Healthy and Bowling Field Trip | Verify: Achievement 3a Do: A chievement 3b–c, Elective 20g, Bowling belt loop | PDF | 5 | Know Your Home and Community and Be Safe at Home and on the Street | Do: Achievements 4f, 9a, 9d, 9e HA: Achievements 4a–d, 9b–d, 7e | PDF | 6 | Know Your Home and Community, Make a Gift and Sing-Along | Verify: Achievement 9b–d Do: Achievement 4a–d, Electives 9b–c, 11a HA: Achievement 4e | PDF | 7 | Your Living World and Tie It Right | Verify: Achievements 4e, 7e Do: Achievement 7a–f, Electives 9b–c, 17a–c HA: Achievements 4e, 6b, 8c–e | PDF | 8 | Cooking and Eating and Start a Collection | Verify: Achievements 4e, 8c–e Do: Achievements 6a, 6c, 8a, 8b | PDF | 9 | Tools for Fixing and Building | Do: Achievement 5a–e HA: Achievements 10 and 11, Elective 13c | PDF | 10 | Birds | Verify: Achievements 10 and 11 and Elective 13c Do: Elective 13a–e; Achievement 10a–g HA: Elective 13f | PDF | 11 | Making Choices | Verify: Elective 13f Do: A chievement 12a and four from 12b–k HA: Review and complete Achievement 12 | PDF | 12 | Books, Books, Books | Verify: Achievement 12a–k Do: Electives 6a and 6c, 12a | PDF | 13 | Pets | Do: Elective 14b–d | PDF | 14 | American Indian Lore (and Turn in Making Choices) | Do: Elective 10a, 10c, 10f HA: Electives 10a (if not complete), 21 | PDF | 15 | Marbles | Verify: Achievement 10a, Elective 21 Do: Elective 4e, Marbles belt loop | PDF | 16 | Outdoor Adventure and Fishing (or another Game or Belt Loop) | Do: Electives 18a and b, 19a–f | PDF | A | Grow Something and Birds | Do: Electives 10a, 13b, 15a or b | PDF | B | Spare Time Fun, Part 1 | Do: Elective 5 | PDF | C | Spare Time Fun, Part 2 | Do: Elective 5 | PDF | D | Swimming and Boating Safety Rules** | Do: Achievement 1h and 1i, Elective 20b, Swimming belt loop | PDF | E | Be an Actor, Be an Artist | Do: Electives 2, 12d | PDF | F | Make It Yourself | Do: Elective 3a–b | PDF | G | Outdoor Adventure Fun | Do: Electives 18a, 4a–f | PDF | H | Spare Time Fun | Do: Elective 5a | PDF | I | Make It Yourself | Do: Elective 3c and 3d | PDF | J | Machine Power | Do: Elective 8a–d | PDF | K | Be an Artist | Do: Elective 12b, c, f | PDF | L | Grow Something | Do: Elective 15e | PDF | M | Family Alert | Do: Elective 16a–c | PDF | N | Sports (Softball or Baseball) | Do: Elective 20l | PDF | O | Say It Right | Do: Elective 22a–e | PDF | ** Note: Using this plan requires completion by the leader(s) of Safe Swim Defense training.