Troop 505's
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Boy Scout Troop 505
(Puyallup, Washington)
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Scout Leadership

*Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) - Trenton R.
*Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) - Taven F.
**Scribe - Trevor J.
Quartermaster - Alex C.
Librarian - Payden V.
Historian - Jacob E.
Instructors - Nathan M., Michael B.
Order of the Arrow Troop Representative - David D.
Webmaster - Corbyn M.
+Buglers - David D. and Trevor J.

Spartans Patrol
*Patrol Leader (PL) - Trevor J.
++Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) - 

Templars Patrol
*Patrol Leader (PL) - Michael B.
++Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) - Logan B.

*Member of the Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC).
**Scribe is not a voting member of the PLC, but attends and keeps a log (minutes) of the meetings.
+Bugler is not an approved Position of Responsibility (POR) for Eagle.
++Assistant Patrol Leader is not an approved POR for Star, Life, or Eagle.