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Boy Scout Troop 701
(Fond du Lac, Wisconsin)
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2016 BSA Scout Rank Insert

Print this .pdf and insert the pages into your book for the 2016 Rank advancement requirements.


*This impacts all Scouts in our Troop regardless of current rank, including Eagle Scouts*


The rank requirements in this book are official as of Jan.1, 2016. Scouts 

who joined the Boy Scouts of America on or after Jan. 1,2016, MUST follow 

the rank requirements as printed in this Boy Scout Handbook or in the current

year’s Boy Scout Requirements book.

Scouts who joined the BSA prior to Jan. 1, 2016:

• Who are working on the Tenderfoot through First Class ranks MAY

continue to follow the old requirements, but MUST convert to the current

requirements upon attaining First Class.

• Who have completed the First Class rank MAY complete the rank they are

currently working on in the old requirements, but MUST convert to the

current requirements for subsequent ranks.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2017, all Scouts MUST use the current requirements

regardless of rank.

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